Donated ₹5000 for Dog Rescue
Donate to help us make a difference!
Account Details:
Account Name: Perroayuda Welfare Foundation
Account Number: 50200051018370
IFSC Code: HDFC0000328
Bank Name: HDFC BANK
Use the following services to donate:
Phone Number: 8826563059
Account Name: Perroayuda Welfare Foundation
Giving for animals is perhaps the most altruistic form of charity for its beneficiaries are unable to acknowledge or reciprocate your generosity. What you will receive though is the enormous satisfaction of knowing that you have done the most good for the most needy. As a non-profit organization, the Sanjay Gandhi Animal Care Centre, the flagship hospital of People for Animals, is entirely dependent on public donations to sustain its vital work. All contributions are exempt from Income Tax under section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961. We accept donations in cash or kind. Cheque or demand draft can be sent in favour of ‘Perroa Yuda’
Donated ₹5000 for Dog Rescue
Donated ₹3500 for Veterinary Care
Donated ₹2000 for Dog Adoption
Donated ₹4500 for Food Supplies
Donated ₹2500 for Training Programs
Donated ₹3000 for Foster Care
Donated ₹6000 for Emergency Fund
Donated ₹1500 for Dog Shelter
Donated ₹8000 for Medical Supplies
Donated ₹4500 for Community Awareness
Donated ₹5000 for Adoption Events
Donated ₹3000 for Rescue Missions
Donated ₹2500 for Pet Food Drive
Donated ₹7000 for Dog Rehabilitation
Donated ₹6000 for Awareness Campaigns
Donated ₹2000 for Pet Therapy
Donated ₹5500 for Support for Strays
Donated ₹3000 for Foster Homes